Quiz: General Robert E. Lee

Quiz: General Robert E. Lee – Test your knowledge on the famed Civil War general. Dive into his life, military service, and post-war roles. Ready to challenge your historical acumen?

General R. E. Lee and Traveler

Quiz: General Robert E. Lee

1 / 10

In which year was Robert E. Lee born?

2 / 10

Which military academy did Robert E. Lee attend?

3 / 10

What was the rank of Robert E. Lee when he left the U.S. Army to join the Confederacy?

4 / 10

What was Robert E. Lee's position in the Confederate Army?

5 / 10

What was the name of Robert E. Lee's beloved horse during the Civil War?

6 / 10

Which battle is considered Robert E. Lee's greatest victory during the Civil War?

7 / 10

Where did Robert E. Lee surrender to Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War?

8 / 10

What did Robert E. Lee do after the Civil War?

9 / 10

Robert E. Lee was married to Mary Anna Custis Lee. Who was she the great-granddaughter of?

10 / 10

Where is Robert E. Lee buried?

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