General knowledge quiz

General Knowledge Quiz – Broaden your horizons and challenge your intellect with our all-encompassing quiz. Covering a wide range of subjects, our quiz tests your depth and breadth of general knowledge. Each run provides a fresh set of 20 questions from our expansive database, ensuring a unique brain workout every time!



1 / 20

Who is the author of the painting "Washington Crossing the Delaware", which is kept in the Metropolitan Museum of Art?


2 / 20

What is the capital of the Russian Republic Tatarstan?

3 / 20

Do you know when the last individuals of the Javan tiger, which lived in the wild, went extinct?

4 / 20

Flamenco, a traditional music and dance style, originated in which region of Spain?

5 / 20

What does the Latin phrase "Carpe diem" mean in English?

6 / 20

How old was Elizabeth Taylor when she starred in National Velvet?

7 / 20

In which country in Asia would you find the holy city of Mecca?

8 / 20

Who is the primary lyricist for Canadian progressive rock band Rush?

9 / 20

What was the name of the alliance formed by Greek city-states to resist the Persians in the Second Persian War?

10 / 20

Who was the god of death and the afterlife in Ancient Egyptian mythology?

11 / 20

Marilyn Monroe's famous scene in which the wind lifts her dress was filmed for a romantic comedy?

12 / 20

What was the name given to the massive temple complex near Luxor, considered one of the most important religious sites in Ancient Egypt?

13 / 20

Which American president famously declared "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner) in a speech in Berlin?

14 / 20

What was Lincoln's main profession before entering politics?

15 / 20

How many Oscars did Bette Davis win for Best Actress?

16 / 20

Which country has Abuja as its capital city?

17 / 20

What is the highest peak in North America?

18 / 20

The historic sanctuary of PotosĂ­, a World Heritage Site, is in which country?

19 / 20

In which film did Elizabeth Taylor star alongside James Dean?

20 / 20

What was the name of the movement that advocated for women's right to vote in the USA?

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