General knowledge quiz

General Knowledge Quiz – Broaden your horizons and challenge your intellect with our all-encompassing quiz. Covering a wide range of subjects, our quiz tests your depth and breadth of general knowledge. Each run provides a fresh set of 20 questions from our expansive database, ensuring a unique brain workout every time!



1 / 20

Which species of tiger was the inspiration for the animated tiger Shere Khan in Disney's "The Jungle Book"?

2 / 20

Wardenclyffe Tower, also known as Tesla Tower, was located on?

3 / 20

The War of the currents is a well-known dispute between Nikola Tesla and?

4 / 20

What war was said at the time to be "the war to end all wars"?

5 / 20

Which political party did Abraham Lincoln belong to when he was elected President?

6 / 20

"Haggis", a dish consisting of sheep's pluck (heart, liver, and lungs) minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, is traditional to which country?

7 / 20

The dish "Feijoada", a stew of black beans with pork, is a delicacy in which country?

8 / 20

Which country is famous for its spicy dish "Kimchi"?

9 / 20

Who was the first human to walk on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission?

10 / 20

The Reconquista refers to:

11 / 20

What dance is a cultural symbol of Argentina?

12 / 20

What is the capital city of Spain?

13 / 20

Which modern-day South American state was the birthplace of the Inca Empire?

14 / 20

What is the capital city of France?

15 / 20

On which island was Napoleon born?

16 / 20

What was the real name of the famous American actress Bette Davis?

17 / 20

Jupiter is named after the Roman god of what?

18 / 20

Which Native American code talkers were instrumental in World War II?

19 / 20

Camilo José Cela, a Nobel laureate, was awarded in what field?

20 / 20

In the Inca Empire, what was the official language?

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